Главная > Пресс-центр > News > The length of the highway “Almaty – Tashkent”, passing through the territory of Zhambyl Oblast, has been reduced for 57 kilometers more.
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The length of the highway “Almaty – Tashkent”, passing through the territory of Zhambyl Oblast, has been reduced for 57 kilometers more.

The traffic has been open for the road section ‘Kainar – Oital”. Zhambyl branch of JSC “КСС Еngineering & Construction Со.Ltd” carries out the construction works for the above road section within the Project “Western Europe – Western China”. As per the new design center line has shifted for 150-300 meters away from state border. New route is a four lane road. However, at present only one-way passage has been open. Overall completion has been planned for 2013. 5-span bridge with the length of 125 meters has been constructed across Shu River within the project. In addition diversion road has been constructed across the river.

Till date overall 75 kilometers of asphalt concrete and 459 kilometers of cement concrete pavement have been laid for Zhambyl Oblast under the project “Western Europe – Western China”, passage has been open for 306 kilometers of Oblast. In accordance with plan for construction works Zhambyl road section of transcontinental project will be completed in 2015.

Reference: Total length of the highway “Western Europe – Western China” for Zhambyl Oblast is 558 km, including 480 kilometers of roads, which are subject to reconstruction. Arrangement of four-lane highway of the first technical category has been provided along the main way with cement concrete pavement for the length of 283 kilometers, 197 km will be reconstructed in accordance with the second technical category with two-lane traffic.




«Важное значение имеет завершение строительства казахстанского участка международного автомобильного коридора «Западная Европа - Западный Китай». Это действительно народная стройка века».
«Мы ставили задачу развивать инфраструктуру. И это оказалось нам по силам. В настоящее время мы возрождаем Новый Шелковый путь. Мы открыли доступ к странам Персидского залива и Большого Востока. Мы распахнули восточные ворота, проложив путь на рынки Китая и всего Азиатского континента». «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050».
Послание Первого Президента РК - Елбасы, 2012 г.





«Исполнительной власти нужна полная, качественная программа «Нурлы Жол». Это стратегический проект, благодаря которой будет затронута вся транспортная инфраструктура».





Стратегия 2050





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