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Public hearings in Shalkar district of Aktobe region

In February 18, 2016 public hearings were held in the conference room of Shalkar town Akimat to discuss environmental issues in the framework of document posted on the website on the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of "Center-West" road section reconstruction project financed by International Financial Institutions. The agenda also included issues to familiarize local residents with feasibility study, detailed environmental and social impact assessment and Environmental Management Plan, as well as the approaches of the World Bank for land acquisition and resettlement, property alienation principles accepted for the project, Rights for compensation of the owners and users of land and real estate subject to withdrawal for state needs, and grievance redress mechanisms.

Residents of Shalkar district, representatives of local executive bodies, representatives of Committee for Roads MoID RoK, Project Management Consultant "KazdorNII/Sapa SZ" and "Jupiter" LLP attended the hearing.

The participants noted the importance of improving the road to improve the welfare of the population, and increase the reliability and safety of traffic in the districtr.

In conclusion, it was noted that public consultation will continue throughout the design stage of the road.

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