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The nine (9) members World Bank Transport Team Mission visited Almaty, Shymkent and Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan from May 15 – 25, 2016 in relation to evaluate the progress of works of the South West and East West Roads Projects of the Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor. The main objectives of the Mission visits was to evaluate the each lot of the ongoing works of the above projects and also to evaluate the performance of the Contractors for each mentioned lot as well as the performance of the Supervision Consultants in relation to the Contract administration and management of the implementation of the Contracts (Lots), which they are supervising.

The World Bank Transport Team Mission consisting of the following members:

  • Jacques Bure, Lead Transport Specialist;
  • Paul Vallely – Program Leader;
  • Aleksandra  Durova – Transport Specialist;
  • Sadiq Aliyev – Infrastructure Specialist;
  • Robert Mutyaba – Transport Specialist;
  • Bakyt Arystanov Specialist
  • Alexei Slenzak - Senior Environmental Specialist;
  • Svetlana Sharipova – Social Development Consultant and
  • Warren Van Wicklin – International Development Consultant

They also evaluated the monitoring of the Environment with respect to approved SSEMP’s for ongoing each lot. The issues related to the Resettlement, Grievance Redress Mechanism, and HIV & AIDS program implementation were reviewed by the WB Supervision Team’s Specialists.

Part of their field visit also in relation to preparation of World Bank’s “Aide Memoire” for new projects. 


East West Roads Project

  • Almaty – Khorgos Road- May 16 – 18, 2016

South West Roads Project

  • Shymkent to Border of Zhambyl Oblast Road Section – May 23, 2017
  • Shymkent to Turkistan Road Section – May 24, 2016
  • Kyzylorda – Aktobe Section – May 25, 2016

Project Management Consultant coordinated the World Bank Mission visits to the sites and all the Construction Supervision Consultants and the Contractors of the above ongoing Contracts of the projects were present during their field visits and meetings in addition to Regional Directors of the Zhol Laboratory, SKO and Kyzylorda. 

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