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Visit of the Asian Development Bank’s representatives to “Aktobe-Makat” project

In April 12, 2018, the representatives of the Asian Development Bank visited the Aktobe-Makat project sites. Representatives of the Bank, Committee for Roads of the MID RoK, Project Management Consultant of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol, the regional representatives of the Employer the RSE Aktobezholaboratoriya, Construction Supervision Consultants Donsung Engineering Co., Ltd. together with the sub - consultant of "Zhol Sapa" LLP, as well as representatives of general contractors and subcontractors participated in the meeting.

During the visit to the sites of camps Contractors discussed issues on the grievance mechanism, safety and health, road safety and ecology, design of construction camps and construction sites, acquisition an d resettlement plan, environmental protection plan, disposal of solid waste, recruitment of staff among local residents, as well as base line issues on the environmental impact of the project.

As a result of the meeting, the Head of the ADB mission thanked all the staff for organizing the event and wished success in the construction.

Laboratory building on Lot 1.


Head of the ADB mission introduces the purpose of visit


Discussion with the Subcontractor’s Environmental specialist the base line of project’s environmental impact


Visit of camp of Lot 2. Karaulkeldy village


Visit of the Laboratory’s office of Lot 2. Mr. Tashkuziyev, Project Manager of “Akkord” is presenting the location of laboratory


Discussion during visit of camp of Lot 3

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