Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > World Bank mission on “Shymkent – border of Zhambyl oblast” section
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World Bank mission on “Shymkent – border of Zhambyl oblast” section

On 28 May 2018 the World Bank Mission Team visited “Shymkent – border of Zhambyl oblast” section for carrying out the Performance Evaluation of the Contractor and Supervision Consultant for implementation of their works. During this visit of the Bank the representatives of the Contractor “Evrascon”, Construction Supervision Consultant “Temelsu”, Regional Laboratory, Project Management Consultant were present at the construction site. As per routine process of the World Bank, this has been carried out in order to improve the quality of works, reminding the responsibilities of the actors and ensuring the Bank’s requirements in relation to Compliance with Safeguard Policies.

It shall be noted that in October 2017 Contract was concluded with the Contractor “Evrascon” for the completion of the construction of section km 593 – 632 in the South Kazakhstan oblast of “Western Europe – Western China” International Transit Corridor.

Commencement of work was in January 2018 and at the present the works are being carried out under the construction of culverts and drainage, bridge and road maintenance unit, earthworks and tunnel lining concrete. Under the main road works on construction of sub-base from gravel sand mix are mainly completed and works on construction of crushed stone sand layer have been commenced.

Photo materials:

Construction of porous coarse-grain asphalt concrete pavement T. Ryskulov village for widening of carriageway from PK2+90 to PK7+50

Construction of culverts

1. Bridge over the Kulan river and 2. Demolition of bridge over the Arys river

Concreting of pole block С600-3 of the support №4 of the bridge over the Arys river at the ramp №3, transport interchange on PK0+00

Site fill of road maintenance unit

Concreting of tunnel arch on PK 349+97,21 – PK 350+06,44 (right tunnel - entrance)

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