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World Bank Mission Team, Field Visits and Meetings on the sections of East West Road Project (EWRP) and South West Roads Project (SWRP)


WB Mission Team - Meeting with Contractor & Engineer: Uzynagash - Otar Road Section

During the period from 16 to 25 October World Bank Mission Team members visited road sections financed by the Bank. The purpose of the WB Mission Team was to review the implementation of completed, ongoing and new projects, including the performance evaluation of the Contractors and the Construction Supervision Consultants (Engineer). The projects are:  Reconstruction of “Almaty – Khorgos Road and it’s ongoing “Construction  and Installation of the Tolling System”, “Shymkent – border of Zhambyl oblast Road Section” (in particular tunnel works), Reconstruction of the “Uzynagash – Otar”, “Kurty – Burylbaital” and completed project sites in Kyzylorda oblast.

The World Bank Mission Team included the following representatives:

Mr. Jacques Bure, Lead Transport Specialist

Ms. Aliya Karakulova, Senior Operations Officer

Ms. Sevara Melibayeva, Senior Transport Economist

Ms. Irina Li, Transport Specialist

Mr. Mohammad Razaak, Senior Social Development Specialist

Mr. Binyam Reja, Practice Manager

Mr. John Bryant Collier, Senior Environmental Specialist

Respective representatives from the Committee for Roads, Project Management Consultant, and from Regional Zhol laboratories accompanied them during their site visits and meetings.

Findings of the Archaeological Effects- Along the side of Uzynagash – Otar Road Section

On the 17th of October the WB team made inspection of Toll Plaza in Almaty – Khorgos road section.

Toll Plaza – Installation of Tolling System in Progress: Almaty-Khorgos Road 

On the 18th of October there was a field trip to review the progress of tunnel works on “Shymkent – border of Zhambyl Oblast” road section and then meeting was held with the participation of the representatives of the Employer, Contractor, Engineer and Project Management Consultant at the site office. In addition the Bank Mission Team inspected the accommodation of the Contractor’s staff, healthcare facilities, environmental management of the waste disposal, canteen, etc. of the road tunnel section.

Meeting with the Contractor and Engineer of the Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl

Inspecting the Staff Canteen of the Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast Road Section

On October 19 the WB Mission Team went to field trip to Kurty – Burylbaital road section, inspected the sites and had a meeting with the Contractor and Engineer.

Meeting with the Contractor and Engineer of the Kurty – Burylbaital Road Section 

On October 22 there was a 1-Day trip to see the various road defects at Salini lots 1 & 5 in Kyzylorda – border of Aktobe oblast road section of the Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor.

Following the above field visits, there was a meeting with the Employer in Astana on 24 – 25th of October where the following issues were discussed like pending actions for achievement of the effectiveness of the EWRP restructuring; current procurement issues; implementation progress of civil works; audit of Lots 1 and 5 in Kyzylorda oblast that are currently under the defect liability period; tolling, institutional component and new projects.

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