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BAKAD Road Concession Project

The source of picture is Khabar 24

To date, mobilization of personnel and road construction equipment and machinery has completed and construction works have commenced under the Construction and Operation of Big Almaty Ring Road (BAKAD) Project.


The Project consists of the construction of a 66 km long half-ring road in the north of Almaty. The Project will be implemented under a 20 years long Concession Agreement based on availability payment scheme. The construction is expected to be complete in 50-month period and will be followed by 16 year operating period.

The route runs through the territory of Almaty Oblast in three districts: Karasay district in the west (27.5 km), Iliy district in the north (19.3 km) and Talgar district in the east (19.2 km). The 66 km road will consist of the 51.5 km long 6-lane section and a 14.5 km long 4-lane section. The Project includes construction of 8 junctions, 21 bridges, 18 viaducts and 1 railway truss.

The Concessionaire will be required to put in place the tolling operations and collect the tolls (tariffs to be set by the Grantor). The toll revenues collected will be transferred directly by the Concessionaire to the Kazakh authorities. In return, an availability fee will be paid to the Concessionaire by the Kazakh Republic for providing the motorway with a functioning tolling system for the duration of the concession period in accordance with pre-determined performance standards.

On the stage of Project preparation, considerable attention has been given to assessment of the project impact on the environment and the population living in the project area. The findings of this assessment showed that almost 800 households have been affected by the Project, and the new road require more than 690 ha of land

In order to mitigate the adverse impact of the project activities, special plans and documents have been developed, including Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP), Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Non-Technical Summary, and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment with Technical Applications.

All these social and environmental documents and plans are available for downloading on the website of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development using the link below:


Full ESIA documentation is available locally at:

• Akimat of Karasay District, building 213, Ablaykhan street, Kaskelen town, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan;

• Akimat of Iliy District, building 2, Kapal batyr street, Otegen batyr village, Ili town, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan;

• Akimat of Talgar District, building 65, Kunayev avenue, Talgar town, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan;

• BAKAD Investment and Operation LLP (Office 403, 55/1, Zhangozin Str., Kaskelen City, Almaty Region);

• Bereke construction camp, Aksengir village, Chemolgan highway, Karasai district, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan;

• Panfilovo construction camp, Kulzhinskiyi trakt, 24 km, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

• EBRD Resident Office in Almaty, Kazakhstan (41 Kazybek Bi street, Park Palace Business Centre, 3-rd Entrance, 3-rd Floor, +7 727 332 00 00); and



Environmental or social enquiries

BAKAD Investment and Operation LLP

Ayman Zhanuzakova, Contractor Grievance Focal Point

Email address: ayman.zhanuzakova@bakad.com.kz

Project Hotline: +7 727 335 83 41

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