Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Management of as-built documentation will be automated in Kazakhstan
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Management of as-built documentation will be automated in Kazakhstan

The Committee for Roads of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of a loan agreement with the Asian Development Bank, plans to develop and implement the information system “Executive Model for Road Construction”, which will automate all the processes of documentation of road projects.

In January 2020, a Contract was signed with the Italian company Studi E Pianificazione Del Territorio S.R.L. and Kazakhstan Road Scientific and Research Institute. For 2 years, developers are supposed to make a detailed review of as-built documentation for road construction in our country. Further, special software will be developed for the new “Road Construction As-built Model” information system.

The software will contain all the information on the design and construction of facilities. In other words, all stages of road construction projects will be integrated into a single automated system.

The new system will solve a range of issues related to the management of as-built documentation and administration of road construction projects. If, for example, earlier the volume of paper work per year amounted to several hundred tons of paper, then with the “Road Construction As-built Model” this figure will decrease significantly. In addition, this innovation shall reduce, first of all, labor efforts for maintaining as-built documentation and reporting in road projects, as well as the period of implementation. The launch of the system is planned for 2022.

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