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The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meets the Citizens

On June 2, 2020, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting to report to the population. During the meeting, Beibut Atamkulov summed up the results of the Ministry’s activities for the past year and focused on the main tasks for the current year.

During the meeting, residents of all regions of the country have been able to ask their questions. A section for questions and suggestions was created on the official information resources of the Ministry, especially for this purpose. In addition, Kazakhstan people could watch the live broadcast from the meeting and contact Call-center.

Opening the meeting, the Minister noted that the institution prepares state policy and coordinates issues in the areas of industrial and innovative development, transport, construction, subsoil use, and is also responsible for the implementation of three key state programs - Nurly Zher, Nurly Zhol and State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main task of the transport industry is to integrate the national transport system into the global transport network to realize the country's transit potential. The industry is developing dynamically. 5 years ago, the first comprehensive State program of infrastructure development “Nurly Zhol” was launched for 2015-2019. At the end of 2019, the transport sector showed growth. The volume of transport services increased by 5.1%. The total volume of transit traffic by all modes of transport increased by 27.6%. To implement new tasks for the further development of transport infrastructure, in December 2019, the Government approved the Nurly Zhol State Program for 2020-2025. In the next 6 years, it is planned to build and reconstruct 10,000 km of roads, as well rehabilitation of 11,000 km of republican roads. It is planned to increase the share of republican roads in good and satisfactory condition up to 100%, increase the length of roads of I and II Categories up to 60%, the share of toll roads up to 45%, and to reach 100% provision of roadside service facilities. Rail transit is planned to increase by 49% from 18 to 26.9 million tons. Container transit will double, up to 1.6 million containers in 2025. Passenger traffic will increase by 35% from 8.1 to 11 million people a year. The implementation of all planned projects will create 550,000 jobs. As a result, labor productivity in the transport industry will increase by 20%, and investment will increase by 3 times.

An important objective of the Nurly Zhol State Program for 2020-2025 is to improve the quality of the local road network and provide the country's population with a safe and good road to home. The total length of the local network is 70,900 km. A parity approach between the Ministry and local executive bodies is applied to financing the development of the local network by allocating annual targeted transfers. This year, 4,000 km have been repaired, 30,000 people have been involved and 75% of the roads of the local network will be brought in good and satisfactory condition by the end of the year. By 2025, it is planned to repair more than 27,000 km of local network roads, which, in turn, will make enable bringing 95% of the regional and district roads to a good and satisfactory condition.

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