Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Checked Progress of Road Construction and Investment Projects Implementation in Karaganda Oblast
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Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Checked Progress of Road Construction and Investment Projects Implementation in Karaganda Oblast

The Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Sklyar, and akim of the Karaganda oblast, Mr. Kassymbek, checked the progress of the road construction and the implementation of major investment projects in the Karaganda region.

During the visit, the progress of the reconstruction of the Karaganda-Balkhash road, 363 km Center-South Corridor section was inspected. The Contractors promise to open traffic on the road this year. The work is in full swing. Also Mr. Sklyar and Mr. Kassymbek checked the reconstruction status of the Kurty-Burylbaital road section which is planned to be completed in 2022.

At the end of the visit, Mr. Sklyar gave instructions for the flawless and timely implementation of the plans.

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