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Public hearing on toll road will be held in Turkestan oblast

Within the framework of the State Program of Infrastructure Development “Nurly Zhol”, NC “QazAutoZhol” JSC is holding a Public Hearing on the introduction of a toll collection system with elements of an Intelligent Transport System on the sections of the  Republican significance roads: Road A-2 “Khorgos-Almaty-Taraz-Shymkent-Uzbekistan” km 593-674 direction Shymkent-Taraz and road M-32 “Samara-Shymkent” 2057-2260 km direction Shymkent-Kyzylorda.

This year, it is planned to launch a road Toll collection system in test mode. On the above roads, it is envisaged to introduce the payment for vehicles using the roads with an open toll system.

At a Public hearing, the principle of the toll collection system, methods of payment of road toll and norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of toll roads will be explained.

Date, time and place of Public hearings:

Tyulkubas district - February 19, 2020, at 10:00  in the building of the akimat of the Tulkubas district;

Sairam district - February 19, 2020 at 15:00 in the building of the akimat of Sairam district

Shymkent - February 22, 2020 at10:00, Shymkent, building of “NC “QazAvtoZhol” JSC TOB 68 Zhibek Zholy str.

Ordabasy district - February 23, 2020 at10:00, in the building of the akimat of the Ordabasy district

Baydibek district - February 23, 2020, at 15:00, in the building of the akimat of the Baydibek district

Turkestan - February 24, 2020 at 10:00 am, in the building of the akimat of Turkestan

Kentau city - February 24, 2020 at 15:00, in the building of the akimat of Kentau

Email address where comments and suggestions are accepted:

Branch “Directorate of toll roads” “NC “KazAvtoZhol” JSC dpad@qaj.kz

Investor: “Computer Vision Technologies” LLP info@cvtech.kz Address: 68 Zhibek Zholy str., Shymkent, Turkestan branch of  NC “QazAutoZhol" JSC

 Name and contact details of the developer of the documentation:

Designer: “NI and PK Kazdorinnovatsiya” LLP Director R.B. Asmatullaev, developer D. Filatov, Investor: "Computer Vision Technologies" LLP, Chairman of the Board Z.A. Maitekov

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