Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > In Kazakhstan it is Planned to Compile the Rating of Technical Supervision of Works during the Road Repair
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In Kazakhstan it is Planned to Compile the Rating of Technical Supervision of Works during the Road Repair

The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted a meeting on the activities of technical supervision on road projects implemented within the framework of Nurly Zhol State Program.

The meeting was attended by the  representatives of the Committee for Roads of the MIID RK, the Committee for Construction and Housing and Utilities of the MIID RK, "NC“ KazAvtoZhol” JSC and the RSE "National Center for the Quality of Road Assets”.

During the meeting, it was proposed to develop a system for assessing the activities of technical supervision of the work. This rating will increase the interest of Engineers for performing the technical supervision in carrying out quality work on the project. In addition, it was also recommended to develop the proposals on a mechanism for bringing technical supervision to personal responsibility, including initiating a proposal to amend the legislation of Kazakhstan in terms of securing joint and several liability during the defects liability (guarantee) period not only of the Contractors, but also the Engineering companies of the technical supervision.

It will be recalled that technical supervision monitors, the construction and repair of roads, and also with the help of technical devices controls the compliance with the technology of pavement construction.


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