Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > The implementation of the “Integrated target program” has begun
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The implementation of the “Integrated target program” has begun

On the roads of Republican significance, in order to ensure the continuity and safety of road traffic, an Intergrated target program was launched to eliminate road surface defects caused by winter frosts and spring floods.

Within the framework of the Program, work will be carried out in 14 areas: among which the Private Public Partnership Programs to carry out the patching on 597,450 square meters of the roads of Republican significance, eliminate irregularities on 177,212 square meters of the road, install and replace 10,490 road signs, 410 information boards and 2,759 Nos. of kilometer markers, install and repair 39 646 linear meters of guard rails, install 31 688 Nos. of signal posts, arrange 4,157 square meters of noise barrier strips and road markings  76,722 kilometers of carriageway, install and replace 1,102 linear meters of railings on bridges, install 51 330 Nos. reflectors, set 479 Nos. road buffers. As part of the introduction of innovative technologies, it is planned to install and replace 33 Nos. LED signs.

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