Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Since the beginning of the year, 2 technical supervision companies fined 2.1 million for violations in road construction
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Since the beginning of the year, 2 technical supervision companies fined 2.1 million for violations in road construction

For the repair, construction and reconstruction of roads in 2022, 1.1 million tons of bitumen are required.

At the meeting of the Government, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan informed the Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov about the progress in the development of the road industry.

As part of the tasks to increase the country’s transit potential and ensure the internal transport connectivity of the regions with the center for the modernization, reconstruction and repair of 11.5 thousand km of public roads and eight automobile corridors providing transit from China, the Russian Federation and Central Asian countries through Aktau seaport and Kuryk to the Caucasus and further to Europe, this year 601 billion tenge has been allocated from the republican budget.

According to Kairbek Uskenbaev, work is underway on 7.3 thousand km of the republican network. Of these, 4.3 thousand km are under construction and reconstruction, by the end of the year it is planned to put into operation 1.6 thousand km. Capital and medium repairs covered about 3 thousand km, of which over 800 km will be put into operation.

On the local road network, all types of repairs covered 4.2 thousand km.

For the purpose of timely delivery of bitumen, MIID, together with the Ministry of Energy and the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition, has built a direct delivery mechanism with the corresponding monthly order. The total need for bitumen in the current year is 1.1 million tons (600 thousand tons for the republican network, 500 thousand tons for the local road network).

The head of the MIID RK noted that the issue of the quality of the work performed and the road construction materials used remains relevant.

 “Since the beginning of this year, all road projects on the republican network and 52% on the local network have been covered by an examination of the quality of work and materials. 3,299 samples of road construction materials were selected and tested, of which 503 do not meet the standards. Since the beginning of the year, works have been re-arranged at the expense of contractors’ own funds for 51,2 million tenge, two technical supervision companies have been fined 2.1 million tenge, one technical supervision certificate has been suspended for 6 months,” K.Uskenbaev said.

He also added that in order to improve the quality control of the work performed within the framework of the draft law “On Transport”, amendments are being introduced that provide for the introduction of joint and several liability of designer and technical supervision on a par with contractors during the guarantee period, as well as empowering the Center for the Quality of Road Assets to conduct examination of the quality of works and materials on the road network.

In addition, to ensure the quality of roads, more than a thousand regulatory legal acts are being processed, a methodology has been developed to determine the rating of akims for the quality of roads.



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