Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Temperature and humidity sensors are installed in the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Temperature and humidity sensors are installed in the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan

“KazdorNII” continues experimental studies of the distribution of temperature and humidity in the road pavement and subgrade of roads.

For long-term monitoring throughout the country, 28 sets of temperature and humidity sensors are embedded in the layers of the road structure of transport arteries. The automatic monitoring system was developed specifically for Kazakhstan and is used here for the first time.

Installed sensors every hour transmit information about the dynamics of continuous changes in the water-thermal regime of the main elements of roads. Based on these data, the institute’s staff investigates the change in temperature and humidity at the points of road structures in the warm and cold periods of the year, as well as the depth, nature and duration of freezing of roads in different regions of the republic.

As a result of long-term monitoring, it is possible to correct the existing map of the depth of road freezing and establish the regularities of the process of rutting in various climatic conditions in the summer.

Also, the information obtained will make it possible to make the right design decisions and assign adequate operational measures to ensure the safety and long service life of roads.


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