Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Work on the long-term road construction “Kalbatau-Maikapshagay” have been resumed
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Work on the long-term road construction “Kalbatau-Maikapshagay” have been resumed

Construction and installation work has resumed on one of the most famous long-term road construction projects in the country – “Kalbatau-Maikapshagai” republican highway. The national highway operator of republican significance “NC “KazAvtoZhol” JSC has done a lot of work: the composition of the construction consortium has been revised, an additional agreement has been signed, the required amount of special equipment and personnel has been mobilized, and, most importantly, construction has been resumed.

Thus, the general contractor was tasked with providing 250 km of passage by the end of the current year 2022.

“The contract with the construction consortium was signed in 2017. Design work has been going on for a couple of years. After the start of reconstruction work, in almost all areas, and there are as many as 10 of them, road construction work was carried out poorly, contractors lagged behind the approved work schedules. The main reason is the improper work of general contractors. At that time, the construction consortium consisted of one foreign (China) and one domestic company. Since February this year, negotiation was carried out with a Chinese company and Eximbank. It was agreed that the work will be completed by a Chinese company, the general contractor intends to provide passage on most of the route by the end of the year. Until the end of 2023, we have to do everything possible to successfully complete this project. We are also systematically working on the remaining long-term road construction projects,” the head of KazAvtoZhol, Meirkhat Kasymbaev said.

About 300 pieces of special equipment and more than 400 road workers have now been mobilized. 90% of the road personnel are local residents, they were trained in technical specialties.

Recall that the total length of the highway of national importance is 415 km. After completion of the reconstruction works, the route will correspond to the II technical category with 2 traffic lanes.


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