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There are fewer bypass roads on “Karaganda-Balkhash” road

“NC “KazAvtoZhol” JSC continues full-scale work on the completion of long-term road construction. Thus, within the framework of the current road construction season, construction and installation work has been resumed on “Karaganda-Balkhash” road of republican significance and is being carried out in an enhanced mode. So, for the current month, more than 20 km of the binder course have been laid. Particular attention is paid to reducing the number of bypass roads and sections where traffic is carried out on the embankment.

“One of the pressing issues on which the Company is systematically working is the completion of long-term road construction in the country. Speaking pointwise, on “Karaganda-Balkhash” highway, the deadline for completion of construction in accordance with the terms of the Contract is provided for at the end of 2023. Work resumed at all 8 sites. This month, the number of bypass roads decreased by three. We will not slow down the pace of construction, we pay special attention to the quality of roads. After the completion of construction work, we will begin road improvement and development of roadside services along this route,” Meirkhat Kasymbayev, head of KazAvtoZhol said.

Currently, the general contractor for the entire length of the site is CITIC Construction Co., LTD. The Kazakh contracting organization was expelled from the construction consortium due to improper work.

“The most unsatisfactory is the section between Kyzylkoi and Nurataldy villages. The regional branch, together with contractors, also resumed work here. We plan to open traffic within two weeks. We focus on the most problematic areas. In general, about 290 special units are involved. equipment and 490 road workers,” Syrym Khamzin, head of the Karaganda regional branch of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol said.

Recall that the reconstruction of the Karaganda-Balkhash section with a total length of 363 km was started in 2019. After completion of the reconstruction works, the highway will correspond to the I technical category with 4 traffic lanes.


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