Scientists of “Kazakhstan Road Research Institute” JSC will apply a new technology for the use of local materials in the construction of roads of regional importance in Atyrau oblast. Also, to increase the natural strength of the roadway, local climatic conditions and the structure of the earth’s crust are taken into account.
It should be noted that earlier, during the visit of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairbek Uskenbaev to Atyrau oblast, residents of remote settlements complained about the condition of the roads. In particular, residents complained about the state of local roads in Azgir region and asked the head of the MIID to take appropriate measures for the quality construction of roads. In turn, K. Aitbaevich noted that this issue will be under his personal control and promised together with scientists to review the technology of road construction, taking into account climatic features.
Now the innovative technology will be applied for the first time during the medium repair of a highway in Azgir region of Atyrau oblast. The issue was discussed in detail at public hearings in Kurmangazy district. The working group, which included scientists from Kazakhstan Road Research Institute, as well as representatives of local executive bodies and members of the district Public Council, also took part in the meeting.
During the meeting, Askhat Baibatyrov, Director of the Department of Roads and Bridge Structures of Kazakhstan Road Research Institute JSC, drew attention to the relief features in Azgir region.
“This road belongs to the fifth category. The Azgir region is located in the Naryn sands, so there are sand, clay and saline areas on the road sections. In this regard, it is impossible to carry out repairs within the framework of one project. To resolve this issue, the ministry instructed to introduce new technologies on the road section. If it gives a positive result, then the innovative solution will be applied in other road repair works in the region,” said Askhat Baibatyrov.
Repair work of the road in the area was started last year. Previously, more than 36 kilometers of the roadway had been laid. This year, a project has been developed for the rest of the road section. The scientists are also considering using local building materials for the reconstruction.
“In the road industry, it is necessary to use materials of domestic origin. In turn, this has a positive effect on the country’s economy, as transportation costs are reduced,” experts say.