Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > A draft of Technical Regulations of Customs Union has been prepared about Road Safety
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A draft of Technical Regulations of Customs Union has been prepared about Road Safety

As Press-Service of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan informs, the second meeting of the Working Group was held on draft of Technical Regulations of Customs Union “Road Safety”, providing formation of Integrated economical area, on March 15, 2011.

Representatives of the Republic of Belorussia and Russian Federation participated in it. Working group was headed by Bystrov N.V., Deputy Director of Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of RF.

During this meeting the members of the Working Group discussed the first version of the draft of Technical Regulations after making amendments and additions, received from the Parties. It was noted that the first version of the draft and list of demonstrative standard-technical documents comply with the requirements on provision of the Road Safety while designing, construction and exploitation on the territories of the Republic of Belorussia, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation, countries of Customs Union.

Also the matters have been discussed about application of international, regional and national (state) standards while development of the draft of Technical Regulations.

As per the results of negotiations the Parties agreed on making proposal to organize and hold the next meeting of the Working Group to discuss the results of conducting the procedures of public discussions in Minsk city, Republic of Belorussia. And also the decision was made to consider the possibility of placement of the draft in official website of the Customs Union Committee for public discussion.

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