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MinTransCom: Senate ratified the agreement for loans for the Project “Western Europe-Western China”

On April, 21st, 2011 plenary session of the Senate of Parliament of Republic Kazakhstan on consideration of ratification of draft bills «About ratification of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of notes has taken place between the Government of Republic Kazakhstan and the Government of Japan about involving of a loan for implementation of the Project for Reconstruction of Transit Corridor, CAREC (Zhambyl Oblast)», «About ratification of the Agreement on a loan under the Project for Reconstruction of Transit Corridor CAREC (Zhambyl Oblast) between Japanese Agency of the International Cooperation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and «About ratification of the Agreement on a loan (Transit Corridor CAREC 1 [Sections in Zhambyl Oblast] [the International Transit Corridor Western Europe – Western China] the Investment program – the Project 3) between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Asian Bank of Development».

All three bills have been approved by the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

These means will be directed for financing of reconstruction of three sections (by-pass of settlement Kulan, Otar – Blagoveshchenk, Kordaj – Karasu), the total length of the road is 118 km in Zhambyl Oblast within implementation of the Project of the International Transit Corridor «Western Europe – Western China».

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