Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Minister Berik Kamaliyev read the periods of implementation for the Project “Western Europe – Western China”: in Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions in 2012, and in South- Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions – in 2013.
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Minister Berik Kamaliyev read the periods of implementation for the Project “Western Europe – Western China”: in Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions in 2012, and in South- Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions – in 2013.

On the 1st of September 2011 Mr. Berik Kamaliyev, Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK, at the Kyzylorda road section for the Project “Western Europe – Western China” reported to Mr. Nursultan Nazrbayev, our Head of State, about progress of implementation for this intercontinental trunk road. Informing in details about the work, executed for each road section, B. Kamaliyev also called specific periods for completion of works for transit corridor. Therefore, according to the Head of Transport Department, all construction works for road sections of Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions is planned to complete in 2012, and for road sections of the trunk road in South-Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regionsm – in 2013 – press-service of the Ministry of Transport and Communications informs.

References: The length of the reconstructed road section for the Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” in Aktobe Oblast is 355 km (I category – 4 lanes – 10 km, II category – 2 lanes – 345 km), out of which the road section “Karabutak – Irgiz – border of Kyzylorda Oblast” with the length of 215 km was put into operation in 2011.
The length of roads in Kyzylorda Oblast is 812 km (I category – 245 km, II category – 567 km), in South-Kazakhstan Oblast – 448 km (I category – 418 km, II category – 30 km), Zhambyl Oblast – 495 km (I category – 295 km, II category – 200 km), Almaty Oblast – 341 km (I category – 341 km).

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