Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Minister Berik Kamaliyev has conducted conference call about progress of implementation for the Project of Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”
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Minister Berik Kamaliyev has conducted conference call about progress of implementation for the Project of Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”

On the 14th of September, 2011, Mr. Berik Kamaliyev, Minister of transport and Communications, has conducted conference call about progress of implementation for the Project of Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”. Administration of the Committee for Roads and its Regional Departments, Contractors, involved in project implementation for Aktobe, Kyzylorda, South-Kazakhstan and Zhambyl regions, as well as Project Management Consultant, has participated in it.

The workshop with the participation of representatives of JSC “NK ‘KTZh’”, was conducted on 22nd of August to solve problems for transportation of inert materials and bitumen, which was resulted in achievement of agreement about provision of the Project “Western Europe – Western China” with the required quantity of equipment in priority. At present inert materials and bitumen are delivered to the sites in usual regime. At the moment 300 tons of bitumen have been dispatched a day at average.

The matter of timely coverage for Interim Payment Certificates has been settled. The workshop, conducted by Minister B.Kamaliyev at the Ministry for Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resulted in achievement of agreement about reduction of time frames for review of Interim Payment Certificates by Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance till 2 days. Now the period for passing of Interim Payment Certificates is 35 days (instead of initial 56). Based on the information, submitted by Directors of Regional Departments, Minister B.Kamaliyev has focused their attention on specific problems for each section of the Contractors, involved in project implementation. Minister has severely criticized the work of the Project Management Consultant.

Based on the results of the conference call the Head of Transport Department has instructed Regional Departments to take for control execution of works and labour protection, provision of catering and accommodation for the staff in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, as well as timely payment of salary to the employees and observe the requirements of safety engineering.

Project Management Consultant (PMC) has been instructed to conduct monitoring for project implementation, protocol assignments, work of the Construction Supervision Consultants and Contractors.

Contractors have been instructed by the Minister to provide timely payment of salary to the staff, observe requirements of safety engineering and sanitary-epidemiological standards, and Construction Supervision Consultants (CSC) to provide control for quality of the executed works and materials applied, as well as to take for control execution of works with strict observance of safety engineering and labour protection, provision of the staff with catering and accommodation in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards.

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