Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > 8 400 million tenge will be disbursed and 40 km of asphalt concrete pavement will be arranged for the road section «Aktobe-Martuk-Border of RF” within the Project “Western Europe-Western China” to the end of the current year
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8 400 million tenge will be disbursed and 40 km of asphalt concrete pavement will be arranged for the road section «Aktobe-Martuk-Border of RF” within the Project “Western Europe-Western China” to the end of the current year

Construction works for the road section are executed by the Main Contractor “Cengiz Insaat” (Turkey). “Egis International/Kazdorproject” (France/Kazakhstan) is the Construction Supervision Consultant.

Total Amount of the Contract accounts for 13 989 million tenge. 8 400 million tenge are planned to disburse and 40 km of asphalt concrete pavement to arrange for the current year.
An Agreement has been signed for execution of works with Subcontractor “Ivrus” LLP, who should carry out main road works and construction of culverts.

Contractor has its own laboratory, which is completely put into operation. Subcontractor also has its own laboratory, which is completely equipped.

Overall 235 units of equipment have been mobilized with targeted 132 units. Main Contractor and Subcontractor have sufficient number of equipment and manpower for execution of works in accordance with time schedule of the current year. 752 people have been mobilized with the plan of 415 people. 1 116.52 thousand cubic meters (76% of annual plan) have been filled out, and subbase has been arranged for 37.21 km with targeted 40 km, which accounts for 93%. Overall arranged: 36.6 km of base course (planned 40 km) or 92%; 34.9 km of binding course (planned 40 km) or 87% and 35.44 km of pavement (40 km).

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