Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > The results of development for transport-communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 and tasks for 2012 have been reviewed at the enlarged session of Board
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The results of development for transport-communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 and tasks for 2012 have been reviewed at the enlarged session of Board

Enlarged session of Board of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK with the participation of Serik Akhmetov, First Deputy of Prime-Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the results for 2011 and tasks for 2012 of development for transport-communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been reviewed.

Session of the Ministry Board passes in the days, when the specific plans of actions are discussed and determined regarding implementation of regulations of the Message to People of Kazakhstan by Nazarbayev N.A., Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Social-economical modernization as the main vector for development of Kazakhstan”, Askar Zhumagaliev, Minister of Transport and Communications stressed.

In his report he mentioned stable growth of the main results for transport-communication complex. During the past year 5 304 km of highways were repaired, including republican network, and 3050 km - for local network. As a result, highways of good conditions have been carried to 16%, and of satisfactory ones have been carried to 49%. Therefore, during the past five years the number of traffic accidents on highways of republican importance has been reduced for 38%, and death rate with traffic accidents has been reduced in 1.5 times.

Minister dwelled on the progress of reconstruction for international transit corridor “Western Europe – Western China”, having called it the Main Project of 2011, which was the continuation of realization for the idea of the Head of the State.

First 417 km of a new highway were constructed in 2010, and 780 km – in 2011. In this year 2012 overall 1080 km of highways have to be built and reconstructed, including for the Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” – 771 km – Head of Transport Department mentioned.

References: Project “Western Europe – Western China” is of great importance for economy of the country as from the standpoint of international, as from the standpoint of economical development of 5 regions of Kazakhstan and overall republic within implementation of Governmental Program for forced industrial-innovation development for maintenance of new enterprises. Total length of the Corridor is 8 445 km, the length throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan is 2 787 km, including 2 452 km, which are subject to reconstruction. Meanwhile, the length of I technical category will be 1 391 km, II technical category will be 1061 km. While implementation of this grandiose project new businesses have been opened, tens of road-building companies of the country have been provided with work, small and medium business has been involved, including one, which engaged in the sphere of services, supply of goods and materials.


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