Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Minister Askar Zhumagaliev has visited objects of transport-communication complex in Zhambyl and South-Kazakhstan regions
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Minister Askar Zhumagaliev has visited objects of transport-communication complex in Zhambyl and South-Kazakhstan regions

On March 12, 2012 Askar Zhumagaliev, Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK, was on a business trip in Zhambyl and South-Kazakhstan regions, where he visited objects of transport-communication complex. The main purpose of the visit has been signing with Akims of both regions Action Plans for development of transport-communication complex, where priority directions for joint work have been reflected.

Zhambyl Oblast is one of the first regions, where implementation of Project for Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor ‘Western Europe – Western China” has started. Total length of sections, subjected to reconstruction in this region, is 495 km. Six Contractors have been involved in the Project, who already in the last year constructed the first kilometers of new corridor. Now the works are in progress for 430 km, including 185 km, which will be put into operation already in the current year.

Total length of the reconstructed road section in South-Kazakhstan Oblast is 448 km. At present the works are in progress for 239 km. Due to the region is one of the most populated in the republic, there are outstanding issues regarding acquisition of land plots.

Thereupon, matters have been reflected in the Plans, signed between Ministry and Akimats, settlement of which requires direct assistance of local administration. Particularly, the matter concerns the purchase of land plots, speeding-up the procedure for execution of borrow-pits and receipt of entitlement documents for land resources use. Together with these aspects the development of projects for landscape gardening of the corridor “Western Europe – Western China” has been also included into the Plan, as well as involvement of student units and development of roadside infrastructure.

In the sphere of automobile transport within the joint Plan it is projected to develop Regional program for development of passenger traffic, bus depots and coach stations, as well as taxi traffic. The main purpose of this program is determined as normalization and increase of quality for service of passengers in public transport, including bus depots and coach stations, as well as introduction of united system of dispatcher maintenance for inside republican routes, including municipal traffic with application of innovation technologies.

In addition, joint plans foresee provision with proper infrastructure and buildings of Centers for Community Service (CCS) in large settlements, as well as the organization of work for specialized CCS in issuing of driver’s certificates and registration of cars.

During his working trip Minister Askar Zhumagaliev has been familiarized with the status of preparation for forthcoming construction season of the Contractors “AKM” LLP, “Cengiz Insaat” LLP, JSC ZhB “KCC”, ‘Kazakhdorstroi” LLP, JSC “K-Dorstroi”, JSC “Sinohydro. He has also been familiarized with the work of Transport Control Point “Shakpak baba”, as well as railway station and airport of Taraz city, CCSs of Taraz city and Ordabassy raion in South-Kazakhstan Oblast.

Within the trip in South-Kazakhstan Oblast Askar Zhumagaliev has visited Temirlan village, where because of quick melting of snow and increase of water level, one can observe overflow across carriageway. Minister has instructed Committee for Roads to carry out permanent monitoring of potentially dangerous road sections and promptly take actions for elimination of destruction for highways – Press-Service of the Ministry of Transport and Communications informs.

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