Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Assistance of local administration in solving problem matters, which occur during construction of Transit Corridor “WE-WC”, has been shown in the Action Plan for development of transport-communication complex in South-Kazakhstan Oblast
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Assistance of local administration in solving problem matters, which occur during construction of Transit Corridor “WE-WC”, has been shown in the Action Plan for development of transport-communication complex in South-Kazakhstan Oblast

As it was informed before, Askar Zhumagaliev, Minister of Transport and Communications, during his working trip to South Kazakhstan visited road sections of the constructed Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”. Action Plan was signed for development of Transport-communication complex in South-Kazakhstan Oblast. It clearly shows actions for assistance of local administration in solving problem matters, which occurred so far during construction. One of them is the delay in purchasing of land plots.

Therefore, as per status for the 13th of March of the current year, 1054 land plots have been purchased out of 1089. Including 851 land plots for road section “Samara-Shymkent”, 177 – ‘Tashkent – Shymkent” and 61 – “Temirlan By-pass”. 35 land plots are non-purchased, including 28 – for road section ‘Samara –Shymkent”, 6 – “Tashkent – Shymkent” and 1 land plots – “Temirlan By-pass”. Trials for all of them are being conducted. Local executive bodies will carry out the purchase of 525 land plots for road section ‘Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast.

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