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Main directions of the President’s Message have been discussed in Aktobe Oblast

Askar Zhumagaliev, Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK, on the 18th of March, 2012, arrived to Aktobe Oblast, where the republican information-propaganda group, headed by him, started the work for explanation of the main provisions of the President’s Message among the population of the region.

Speaking before the activists of Oblast, Askar Zhumagaliev mentioned that the President’s Message determined new tasks for consolidation of economy, increase of people’s welfare as a new stage for Kazakhstan way. For implementation of social-economical modernization, which the Head of the State has determined as the main vector for development of Kazakhstan in the nearest decade, complex of tasks has been set in ten directions. They are the employment of Kazakhstan people, available accommodation, regional development, increase of the quality for governmental services, provided to the community, modernization of judicial and law-enforcement systems, qualitative growth of human capital in Kazakhstan, improvement of pension system and industrial-innovation projects.

During his discussion the Minister mentioned that the Message pays attention to the necessity of the increase for governmental services quality, as it is important aspect for resistance to the corruption and the increase of citizen’s trust to the activity of governmental agencies. Therefore, the Head of the country has set a number of tasks for further development of electronic government before the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

So, 60 percent of governmental services of social importance should be transferred to electronic format to the end of 2012. Starting from 2013 all authorized documents from the government Kazakhstan people should receive in electronic format or through Community Service Centers (CSC). Now Kazakhstan people will register their vehicles and receive driver’s licenses in specialized CSCs.

The most important aspect of the Message is Project implementation for reconstruction of Kazakhstan section of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”, which has been planned to complete in 2013. Also the necessity of commencement for construction of two new railroads Zhezkazgan – Beineu and Arkalyk – Shubarkol has been mentioned, which have a great importance for regional development.

During their meeting Askar Zhumagaliev and Arkhimed Mukhambetov, Akim of the Oblast, signed Action Plan for development of transport-communication complex of Aktobe Oblast. The main set of issues has been devoted to the project implementation in the Road branch. Particularly, to the settlement of matters for legalization of borrow-pits, receipt of entitlement documents for the right of land resources use, acquisition of land plots during construction of road sections for the Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”. There was also mentioned the necessity for development of designs for landscape gardening of the Corridor, accepting of common requirements and construction of objects for roadside service. After completion of the meeting the Minister has familiarized with the progress of preparation to the construction season by the Contractors for the highway “Aktobe – Martuk – Border of RF – as the Press-Service of the Ministry informs.

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