Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Draft law of the RK has been considered “Regarding Ratifying of Loan Agreement between RK and Asian Development Bank for reconstruction of the road section “Taraz By-Pass” within the Project ‘Western Europe – Western China”.
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Draft law of the RK has been considered “Regarding Ratifying of Loan Agreement between RK and Asian Development Bank for reconstruction of the road section “Taraz By-Pass” within the Project ‘Western Europe – Western China”.

It has been approved today at the plenary meeting of Majilis, Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and it will be sent for review of Senate.

Reference: Total length of the road section is 65 km, including 7.7 km, which will be constructed for the first technical category with cement concrete pavement, and 57.4 km for the second technical category with asphalt concrete pavement. As this road passes through the suburbs of the city, where a lot of small settlements, pastures and apiaries are located, the design provides construction of 11 bridges and overpasses, 155 culverts, as well as underpasses. All these artificial structures will allow provision of free passing for transit transport without decrease in speed for car, as well as provision of safety for this road section.

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