Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > The Act “About ratification of Letter-Agreement between Kazakhstan and IBRD” was adopted at the plenary meeting in Senate of the Parliament of the RK on the 2nd of May 2013
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The Act “About ratification of Letter-Agreement between Kazakhstan and IBRD” was adopted at the plenary meeting in Senate of the Parliament of the RK on the 2nd of May 2013

The Act “About ratification of Letter-Agreement between Kazakhstan and IBRD, aimed at the financing of reconstruction for road section “Almaty-Khorgos” of Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor” was adopted at the plenary meeting in Senate of the Parliament of the RK on the 2nd of May 2013

Loan Agreement with IBRD regarding reconstruction of the road section “Almaty-Khorgos” was signed on the 10th of October 2012 for total amount of 1 068 million USD. The Loan has been provided for 19 years including 5 years of grace period.

References: The length of the road section “Almaty-Khorgos” is 304 km, including 38.8 km (13%) which will pass along the existing highway Almaty – Chilik – Khorgos, and the rest 265 km (87%) will be constructed along the new route. The road will be transferred into I technical category with 4-lane traffic and cement concrete pavement. Construction has been provided for 90 bridges and 270 culverts. At present the bidding procedure is in progress under the rules of IBRD. Period for implementation of the Project is 2013-2015.

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