Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > A draft act regarding ratification of Agreement for EBRD Loan for the construction of road section “Shymkent – Tashkent” has been adopted at the regular plenary meeting of Majilis of the Parliament
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A draft act regarding ratification of Agreement for EBRD Loan for the construction of road section “Shymkent – Tashkent” has been adopted at the regular plenary meeting of Majilis of the Parliament

We speak about Draft Act “About ratification of Loan Agreement between Republic of Kazakhstan and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which will be directed at the construction of road section “Shymkent – Tashkent” of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”.

As Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairman of the Committee for International Affairs, Defense and Safety of Low Chamber of the Parliament mentioned - «The Agreement, considered for ratification, covers provision of Kazakhstan with the Loan by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for rehabilitation of road section “Shymkent – Tashkent” within Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”. The Committee is ready to work on this draft Act and prepare resolution for that up to the 10th of November of the current year» - he concluded.

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