Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > President of the RK has signed the Acts regarding Loan Agreement with IBRD under Western Europe – Western China Project.
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President of the RK has signed the Acts regarding Loan Agreement with IBRD under Western Europe – Western China Project.

President of the RK has signed the Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About ratification of Loan Agreement (South-West Road Project (Road Section Almaty - Khorgos): Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor (CAREC 1b) between Republic of Kazakhstan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development”. Press-Service of Akorda informs about that.

Also the Act “About ratification of Letter-Agreement between Republic of Kazakhstan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development regarding amendments to Loan Agreement # 7681-KZ (South-West Road Project: Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor (CAREC 1b & 6b) has been signed between Republic of Kazakhstan and International Bank for reconstruction and Development”.

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