Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > A "round table" with discussion of a summary report of the National Expert Council for transparency and sustainable development (NECTSD), which monitors "Western Europe - Western China" project was held in Kyzylorda regional branch of "NC KazAvtoZhol" JSC
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A "round table" with discussion of a summary report of the National Expert Council for transparency and sustainable development (NECTSD), which monitors "Western Europe - Western China" project was held in Kyzylorda regional branch of "NC KazAvtoZhol" JSC

Reference: National Expert Council for Transparency and Sustainable Development (NECTSD) was established to carry out regular monitoring of the"Western Europe - Western China” International Transit Corridor reconstruction project implementation. The subjects of monitoring are: land acquisition, responding to complaints about the construction impact (dust, noise, vibration, violation of traffic safety, traffic safety during the reconstruction period); environmental protection; labor relationship (compliance with labor laws, protection of expatriate workers’ rights, compliance of subcontractors, etc.). Progress of construction works is subject to monitoring in 5 regions where "Western Europe - Western China" corridor passes: Aktobe, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty oblasts. The National Advisory Council includes representatives of the Committee for Roads, Project Management Consultant (PMC), Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC), as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Three party (Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communications; project management and construction supervision consultants; “Azamattyk Kuryltai - Civil Meeting” Association) Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in respect of road construction and reconstruction projects in Kazakhstan was signed in June 14, 2012.

Representatives of Kyzylorda regional branch of "NC "KazAvtoZhol" JSC, General Contractors involved in the construction of "Western Europe - Western China" international transit corridor in Kyzylorda oblast, Construction supervision consultants, representatives of non-governmental organizations and mass media attended "round table".

Yuri Krivodanov, the head of the Secretariat of the National Expert Council for transparency and sustainability development made report for the period of July 2012 - September 2013.

As noted by the rapporteur, the activity of all services involved in the project implementation was carried out in accordance with the foregoing Memorandum, the main purpose of which was to improve the quality of people’s life whose interests are affected by the project. The established network of expert councils for transparency and sustainable development provide prevention, identification, registration and removal of socio-economic, labor, environmental and corruption violations. A total of 63 communities of 4 oblasts of the country have been monitored, including Kyzylorda oblast - 8 settlements, 4 of which settlements in Shieli district and 4 in Zhanakorgan district and 12 construction companies involved in the project. Instructions for removal of the stated remarks were given with specific deadlines.


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