Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Contractor has been determined for the last section of “Western Europe – Western China” corridor
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Contractor has been determined for the last section of “Western Europe – Western China” corridor

The “Todini-Imperjilio-Accord” JV has been defined as the contractor for construction of 37 km Tashkent – Shymkent road, the last section of “Western Europe – Western China” international transit corridor subject to reconstruction. For the last two sections of Tashkent – Shymkent road, the contractor selection procedures are still underway.

“In total, Tashkent – Shymkent road is divided into three sections, with total length of 99 km, so we still have to select two more contractors. Upon reconstruction, the road will be assigned 1st technical category with 4-lanes and cement-concrete pavement. In addition, 1 traffic interchange and 5 overpasses are to be constructed.  We are planning to complete construction works of the entire highway in 2015”, said Mr. Zamir Saginov, Chairman of Committee for Roads.

Note that the Tashkent – Shymkent road is part of “Western Europe – Western China” international  transit corridor. Total length of the corridor in Kazakhstan’s territory is 2787 km, of which 2452 km are subject to reconstruction.  In 2011, 215 km of the road were put into operation, and in 2012 – 700 km. By the end of 2013, the traffic on 806 km will be opened.

MoTC RK website: www.mtk.gov.kz

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