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Full accomplishment of Western Europe – Western China project in Kyzylorda region is intended in 2014

At the meeting in Kyzylorda region akimat, Minister of Transport & Communications Zhenis Kassymbek told about actions for the region’s transport industry contemplated by National Program for Transport System Infrastructure Development and Integration to 2020 (NPRSIDI).

Thus, the construction of Western Europe – Western China international transit corridor (WE-WC) is in progress. As the MTC Head remarked, 812 km of the corridor run across Kyzylorda region, with already opened traffic on 761 km. Construction of the remaining sections is to be finished this year.

It is worth mentioning that as part of WE-WC project implementation, 48 bridges, 74 cattle crossings, 14 two-level interchanges, 2 railroad bridge crossings will be built by the date of the construction completion, and the bypass road will appear in 8 localities.

As to civil aviation industry, Minister reminded that Kyzylorda airport’s shares are still being transferred to management by national transport/logistics company, KTZ Express JSC which was founded in July 2013 under the instruction from Head of State. The Cpmpany, as is known, has integrated railroad, marine, air and motor carriages, the sea-port and airport infrastructure, as well as the network of terminals.

Furthermore, as part of the region’s railroad industry, a large infrastructure project is implemented for construction of Zhezkazgan – Saxaulskaya railway section 517 km long. Zhenis Kassymbek told that 25 new separate points are to be opened under the Project, including 13 in Kyzylorda region area. Commencing the operational service on that section is planned for December this year.

Meanwhile, given the complaints from public as to the wagons’ state and services’ quality, the works are in progress on renewal of wagon fleet, including with “Tulpar – Talgo” wagons. According to MTC Head, this year, 5 new express lines are to be launched in Kazakhstan, of which 2 will run across Kyzylorda region; these are: Astana – Kyzylorda and Almaty – Aktobe routes.

In addition, with a view tobringing the railway stations in line with the new National Standards, it is planned to repair all railway stations in the region by 2017, while by 2016 -8 bus terminals and 1 bus station. 

MoTC website: www.mtc.gov.kz

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