Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Press tour in the direction of “Almaty-Khorgos” road
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Press tour in the direction of “Almaty-Khorgos” road

Today JSC "NC" KazAvtoZhol" together with its Almaty branch company organized a press tour to “Almaty – Khorgos” section of "Western Europe - Western China" corridor in Almaty region.

Journalists of national and regional media visit construction sites along the road. Currently journalists are visiting construction camp and section of JV "Dogus - Gulsan". Also they have visited one of the three construction camps, they familiarized with social and labor conditions of the workers, and they asked management questions concerning the workers' dissatisfaction of certain remuneration conditions. Then they have got acquainted with the work carried out in laboratories, learned more about mixtures selection process.

Construction of "Almaty - Khorgos" road with length of 304 km was launched in April this year, and it will be a 4-lane highway with cement concrete pavement. Construction works began under 3 lots sections. "Todini" company is working under construction of roadbed. 20,000 cubic meters of sand gravel mix is backfilled currently. This is the initial stage of construction. This highway is part of the "Western Europe - Western China" transport corridor.

It should be noted that along with journalists Mr. T. Mendygaliyev, Deputy Chairman of JSC "NC" KazAvtoZhol" is also visiting this road construction section in order to explain the essence of work, for inspection and checking the road construction works progress, for monitoring of working conditions. It is planned to inspect 32 contractors.

«KazAutoZhol» JSC website: http://kazautozhol.kz

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