Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Work progress under construction and reconstruction of “Almaty-Khorgos” road
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Work progress under construction and reconstruction of “Almaty-Khorgos” road

Major part of construction works in 2014 is at the sections of Almaty – Khorgos road, the reconstruction of which was started in April 2014. Scope of work includes the construction of the road section in Almaty oblast. Total section legth is 304 km.

Currently earthworks are being held, sub base and cement concrete pavement are procured, as well as works for construction of bridges, transport interchanges and overpasses. Procurement of materials is underway.

To date, earthworks in the amount of 1087921.9th.m3, 42 overpasses and 3 bridges have been laid and constructed.

It should be noted that overall more than 1162 units of road construction machinery, equipment and more than 2500 thousand persons are being mobilized.

The section has been divided into 8 lots, Contractors are as follows: “Todini /Impregilo/Kazakhdorstroy” JV, “Dogus Insaat Ve TicaretA.S”, “Evrascon/MO-1”, “OHL ZS” JSC.

Contractor on lot No.1 is “Dogus Insaat Ve TicaretA.S”, earthworks in the amount of 660,57 th.m3 are performed, 2,5 bridges and 42/16 culverts have been constructed. At this moment, quantity of personnel – 526 people, among them 47 foreigners. Mobilization of technique - 210units, among them 158 units own. Contractor carried out site clearance, technological passage construction for transport and is working under erection of embankment. Pavers Wirtgen 1200 and Wirtgen 500 arrived at the Contractor base. Delivery of reinforced concrete construction for artificial structures, mobilization of road building techniques and vehicle for aggregate transportation is continuing.

Contractor on lot No.2 is “Dogus Insaat Ve TicaretA.S”, length of section 61,7 km, earthworks in the amount of 934,32th.m3 are performed, 8pcs. culverts have been constructed. Mobilization of equipments – 226 units, among them 176 own. Quantity of personnel – 571people,among them 55 foreigners. Removal of fertile coarse is on the PK769+00-786+00,507+00-509+00,664+00-667+00,740+00-741+00.

Work on the bridges at PK625+90 was started, piles in the amount of 144 pieces were driven. 192 piles are driven at PK762+70.

Work at 43 culverts is being carried out under borrow pit working out, foundation filling under pipe placing, mounting pipe. Construction of crushed stone sand mix. Soil export under sub grade at km 60-68,68-70,74-76,80-90 is being carried out. As of 08.08.2014, 934 320,0 m3 loose soil was exported.

Contractor on lot No.3 is “Todini /Impregilo/Kazakhdorstroi” JV ( Italy/Kazakhstan), length of section km59,51, earthworks in the amount of1651,81 th.m3, 7,64 sub base have been laid, and 17pcs culverts have been constructed. Quantity of personnel – 336people, among them 20 foreigners. At this moment, Mobilization of technique – 140 units, among them 122 rented.

Contractor on lot No.4 is “Todini /Impregilo/Kazakhdorstroi” JV (Italy/Kazakhstan), length of section km43,3, earthworks in the amount of1082418,0 th.m3. Quantity of equipments – 129units. Quantity of technique – 193people, among them 9 foreigners. 

Contractor on lot No.5 is “Todini /Impregilo/Kazakhdorstroi” JV (Italy/Kazakhstan), length of section km45, earthworks in the amount of 624 th.m3, and 2 culverts have been construction. Mobilization of technique – 177units. At this moment, quantity of personnel – 199 people.

Contractor on lot No.6 is “Todini /Impregilo/Kazakhdorstroi” JV ( Italy/Kazakhstan), length of section km45, earthworks in the amount of 1633,2th.m3, and 15 culverts have been constructed. Mobilization of technique – 199 units. At this moment, quantity of personnel – 226 people.

Contractor on lot No.7 is “Evrascon/MO-1”, cleaning up the territory performed to 50%. Materials procurement: Crushed stone – 5 054t, Fitting – 477 t, Sand – 9 810 t, Reinforced concrete product – 3 305,27m3, Cement – 1 970 t.

To date, quantity of technique – 101units. ” EVRASCON” Contractors quantity personnel - 236 people, and “M0 1” Contractors quantity of personnel – 113 people. At that moment quantity of technique – 101 units. Along with this the Machinery passage into the boundary zone is provided. The question about the of power transmission line switching off near the railway is being solved. Correspondence is being carried out with Design institute under project issues.

Contractor on lot No.8 is "OHL ZS" JSC (Czech Republic), work performed: Construction of box culverts of abutment pier - 30 pcs. / 930 m3. Box culverts construction of intermediate pole - 49 pcs. / 2 686 m3. Construction of foundation piling of abutment pier – No.1, 10 - 2 pcs. / 326 m3. Statistical pile testing - performed on the abutment pier No.1 and 10. Materials procurements are being held: Crushed stone – 4718m3, Filling – 334 t, Sand – 2395 m3, Cement – 1836 t, Admixture for concrete – 22t, Metalwork – 90 t. To date, Mobilization of technique – 40 units. Quantity of personnel – 145 people.

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