Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Reconstruction of the "Western Europe - Western China" international transit corridor Kyzylorda region KM 1650 - 2057
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Reconstruction of the "Western Europe - Western China" international transit corridor Kyzylorda region KM 1650 - 2057

KazAutoZhol JSC website: www.kazautozhol.kz

Reconstruction of Kyzylorda section km 1650 - 2057 of "Western Europe - Western China" international transit corridor with length of 403 km is in the final stages.

In the implementation of the project consisting of 5 sections 3 general contractors are involved, including Azerbaijani company JV "Akkord Okan" – km 1650 - km 1702 and km 1752 - km 1807; "Euroasian construction Corporation EVRASCON - km 1702 – km 1752 and km 1807 – km 1837; the Italian company «Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA» - km 1837 - km 2057.

In general, the following scope of work is performed according to the plan of this year:

- 97.5 km stone mastic asphalt concrete pavement laid;

- 31.6 km of the of coarse grain asphalt concrete wearing coarse;

- 16.7 km of highly porous asphalt concrete base;

- 14.8 km of crushed stone-soil-sand mix coarse;

- 11.3 km subbase;

- 355,000 cubic meters of roadbed.

Todini Costruzioni Generali S.p.A.» km 1837 – 2057

«EVRASCON» JSC km 1807 – 1837
In addition, 44 bridges, 78 cattlepasses, 9 two-level interchanges, 13 culverts were constructed in the frameworl of projetc.

«EVRASCON» JSC km 1807 – 1837

According to the work program the binding coarse of SMA pavement with length of 49.8 km, the wearing coarse with length of 11.3 km, base coarse from CSSG mix with length of 10.6 km shall be arranged till the end of this year.


«EVRASCON» JSC km 1702 – 1752

«EVRASCON» JSC km 1702 – 1752

«EVRASCON» JSC km 1702 – 1752

Furthermore, subgrade slope protection by geotextile and geogrid is being held currently, as well as dismantling of temporary supports at interchanges.

JV «Аккоrd Окаn» JSC - km 1650 – 1702

JV «Аккоrd Окаn»JSC - km 1650 – 1702

Moreover, 148 km of the Contractor «Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA» section were taken over by the Working Commission into operation with guaranty period of 2 years. After the expiration of the guarantee period the State Acceptance Commission will fully take the road into operation.

«Todini Costruzioni Generali S.p.A.» km 1837 – 2057

It should be noted, that the speed rate of vehicles throughout the Kyzylorda region will be increased to 120 km/h.

2665 people are involved and 1701 units of road-building equipment were mobilized in the project implementation.

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