Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Kurty Burylbaital Road Rehabilitration Public Consultation and Disclosure
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Kurty Burylbaital Road Rehabilitration Public Consultation and Disclosure

Currently, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is implementing a program to upgrade its transport corridors, including the "Center-South" corridor linking Astana to Almaty. The World Bank and the European Bank are considering a loan to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to finance the Kurty – Burybaital section of the Center South Corridor for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing 2- lane road to 4- lane dual carriageway highway.

Accordingly, the detailed design, cost estimation, environmental and social impact assessment have been completed in four different sections. The project is expecting to start the construction in early 2016 in three sections, co financed by World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Govt. of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Public consultation by hearings of the above road sections were held in August 2014, were mainly about design and location of junctions and underpasses for cattle (important on social side) and also discussed the location of the construction facilities (concrete plants, camps, parking lots, etc.) and sources of water supply. 

The second public hearings and consultation of stakeholder have been organized on 30th and 31st. March and Ist. April, 2015 on the EIA/EMP inviting the affected people and local communities along the road sections. The document (EIA/EMP) will be disclosed prior to the public consultations. More informal consultation and disclosure will be done during implementation through:

  • The preparation and dissemination of a brochure in Kazakh and Russian, explaining the project , works required and anticipated timing of the works; and
  • Setting up a formal grievance redress committee with a representation from the project affected people. The Project supervision Consultant in association with the Contractor will be responsible for managing the effective grievance redress program.


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