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TRACECA Road Safety II project workshop

EU funded TRACECA Road Safety II project workshop was held in June 22 & 23, 2015 in Astana, aiming to enhance Road safety in Republic of Kazakhstan.

Road Safety Audit (hereinafter – RSA) and Black Spot Management (hereinafter – BSM) were on the agenda.

Representatives of Ministry of Investments and Development of RoK, Road Police, General Prosecutor Office, “Kazakhavtodor” RSE, “KazDorNII” JSC, PMC “KazdorNII/Sapa SZ” took part at the workshop. Leading expert Dr. Dejan Jovanov, Dr. Dragoslav Kukic, Head of Research Sector of Serbia’s Road Traffic Safety Agency and Mr. Sasa Jasnic made their presentations.

Participants were divided into two groups during the workshop. The fist group consisted of Engineers, who have seen presentations under Road safety audit (RSA) and discussed steps to be taken so that RSA become mandatory and functional in our country (road map); changes to be made in legislation and procedures of training courses establishment under RSA and Auditors certification were proposed to participants of workshop.

The second group consisted of representatives of Road Police and General Prosecutor Office and they have seen the presentation under BSM and discussed implementation of procedure for identification, analysis, improvement and monitoring of BSM process, and moreover they were given proposals for improvement of Road accident database in RoK.

It is planned to hold two day working visits of experts for implementation of next stages of plan in July, August and September this year within the framework of the abovementioned project.

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