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Social research under Center-West project was held during 3 to 10 August

Within the framework of "Nurly Zhol" state infrastructure development program for 2015-2019 Committee for Roads of Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is going to implement "Center - West" project, "Astana - Arkalyk - Torgay - Irgiz" road section, which is planned to be financed by the Loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

As part of the preparatory work from 3 to 10 August social research was carried out along project road in order to study the situation on roads, as well as to identify public opinion, opinion of local authorities, management of health and education, as well as farms on the proposed project. Questionnaire survey covered the population of Akmola, Kostanay and Aktobe regions, including 28 affected settlements, namely: Akmol, Orazak, Sabyndy, Karaegin, Zhanteke, Egindykol, Toganas, Bauman, Korzhynkol, Uzynkol, Sochinsk, Sepe, Shoindykol, Arkalyk, Tasty, Amangeldy, Zhaldama, Karasu, Baigabyl, Kumkeshu, Torgay, Akshyganak, Irgiz, Nura Mamyr, Duken.

The survey polled approximately 600 people and since the information provided by them is confidential, it will be used only for summary conclusions for the analytical report to be provided to the Bank.

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