Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Regular staff meeting on the project execution “International transit corridor “Western Europe – Western China” on the territory of South-Kazakhstan region in Shymkent city on 4 March, 2010.
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03/04/2010 Shymkent city
Regular staff meeting on the project execution “International transit corridor “Western Europe – Western China” on the territory of South-Kazakhstan region in Shymkent city on 4 March, 2010.

    Chairman Dulat Kuterbekov, Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that the delays in preparation works for starting such important and large project execution occurred in South-Kazakhstan region.

    Then the minutes’ instruction execution of the previous meeting was heard. It was find out that there were problems in works on the lists’ clarification of the impact persons, i.e. real estate and land owners including those whose plots would be temporary leased for road-construction works.
    After that, the matter was discussed on PMC’s activity with the public at the staff meeting. Mr. Kuterbekov D. gave instruction to organize website “WE-WC” creation till 15 March, 2010. Its main goal is in information and propaganda of the International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” importance for Kazakhstan and its citizens. It is necessary, first of all, for open and direct communication with the leaders and Project Management Consultants, which is very important as at the initial stage, when the above mentioned problems occur, and as during the further road-construction works on the whole, he made the conclusion.
    Kuterbekov D., Viice-Minister, gave instruction to the Department of Automobile Roads in South-Kazakhstan to complete the works on the lists’ clarification till 10 March, 2010.


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