Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > The social status of employers, taking part in construction of Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” in Kyzylorda region, has been improved
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The social status of employers, taking part in construction of Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” in Kyzylorda region, has been improved

    This was informed during press conference dated 18th of August 2010 in Kyzylorda, with the participation of the deputy of Majilis of the Parliament of The Republic of Kazakhstan, Murat Abenov, chairman of the Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communications RK Zamir Saginov, and representatives of region mass media. 
    The reason of the review and discussion of this issue was the claim of those, who are involved today in the construction of Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” in Kyzylorda region.
    It was demonstrated that the most facts mentioned in claims have been confirmed as a result of verification under deputy of Majilis.
    At the present day as mentioned by the employees themselves in their interview to pressmen that all of them have been eliminated. The salary is given to them timely. They are paid for overtime and night time work. Air conditioners have been installed at the places of rest, shower cabins and field canteen with various menu are working now.
    The Deputy of Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Murat Abenov, answering the questions of the mass media representatives, said: “We proposed to most companies – contractors not to do everything by themselves. Let them construct the roads. The rest is the issue of business”.
    The great job has been performed. At the present time employers has not by hour payment, but piece payment for each working period. The directors who have made such serious violations, will be removed from the Project. Such situation has happen with manager of “Accord Okan” as the chairman of the Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communication RK informed.

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