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“Road safety management in Republic of Kazakstan. Next steps” TRACECA workshop

Today the regular TRACECA workshop on management, coordination and financing of road safety under the subject of "Road safety management in Kazakhstan. Next steps" was held.

Reference: TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) - a program of international cooperation in the field of transport between the EU and the partner countries of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia.

It is already a year as the European Union is financing "TRACECA Road Safety II» project, which helps partner countries in the implementation of the Regional Safety Action Plan of the TRACECA under road transport safety, contributing to the active promotion of the transport system of the corridor to ensure the safety, security and protection of road users, property, society and environment. The project lasts 3 years from 2014 to 2017.

Representatives of various ministries, NGOs, World Bank, Akimat of Astana and "General road" road safety association were invited to the workshop.

Presentations were made by Dr. Alan Ross, Team leader from the UK, Professor Dr. Milan Vuyanich from Serbia amd Mrs. Mariya Ivchenko, Regional coordinator from Ukraine.

Following the presentation, discussions were held and the answers were provided to participants' questions. Especially representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan actively participates in the discussions.

Today the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan develops possible amendments to the Law on Road Traffic regarding road safety audit as a result of previous TRACECA project workshops and taking into account international best practices.

In November 5, 2015 an extended round table with the participation of management of ministries of Kazakhstan, as well as deputies of the Parliament of Kazakhstan and foreign experts involved in the abovementioned TRACECA project will be held in Astana.

Upon achieving the goals and successful implementation of the proposed measures for improving of road safety sphere, Kazakhstan will be among the countries with low death rates from road accidents.

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