Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Second public hearings under “Center - West” corridor development project
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Second public hearings under “Center - West” corridor development project

During 9 to 11 November 2015 second public hearings were held under “Astana – Arkalyk – Torgai – Irgiz” road construction within the framework of “Center – West” corridor development project financed by funds of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter – IBRD).

The hearings were held in settlemnents and towns located along the corridor and affected by the project. The citizens and habitats of the following villages and settlments were present at hearings: Zhanteke v., Sabyndy v., Karaegino v., Egyndykol v., Zharlykol v., Baumonskoe v., Korzhinkol v., Sochinskoe v., Arkalyk t., Mirnoe v., Furmanovo v., Rodina v., Vostochnoe v., Amangeldy v., Amantogai v., Torgai v., Irgiz v., Duken v., Mamyr v.

The agenda was introduction of local habitats with feasibility study, detailed Environmental and social impact assessment, Environmental management plan, IBRD approaches to land acquisition and resettlement, property alienation principles taken for project, rights for compensation of owners and users of land plots and property subject to withdrawal for state needs, and grievance redress mechanism.

Reprsentatives of designer “Jupiter” LLP, Committee for Roads MID RoK, Project Management Consultant “KazDorNII/Sapa SZ” as well as representatives of local authority took the floor and answered to the questions of attendants.

Attendants noted the importance of road development for improvement of population prosperity, as well as increase the traffic reliability and safety in districts.

In conclusion it was noted that consultations with the population will be continued throughout the design stage of road.

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