Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > News > Meeting under “Center – West” corridor development project in the framework of “Nurly Zhol” program
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Meeting under “Center – West” corridor development project in the framework of “Nurly Zhol” program

Yeaterday, on 19 November 2015, a meeting was held in the building of the Ministry of Investments and Development under “Center – West” road reconstruction project “Astana-Arkalyk-Torgai-Irgiz” section, financed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter – IBRD). Representative of Akmola, Kostanai, Aktobe regional Akimats, Ministry of Internal Affairs RoK, Ministry of National Economy RoK, Ministry of Investments and Development RoK, “Jupiter” LLP (Designer), as well as representatives of IBRD from Washington, Almaty and Astana were taking part via video call in this meeting.

The main topics of meeting were instituional components stipulated in the framework of projects, namely: 1. Corridor development, providing development of agriculture and tourism in the districts; 2. Road safety.

The total length of “Center – West” corridor is 2 511 km, about 900 km of which will be financed by IBRD. IBRD staff informed in the meeting that since the IBRD is Development Bank, the key factors in providing funds is economic and social aspects, i.e. struggle with poverty. So, the main accent in the meeting was made to the corridor development component, where the priority actions included the following amoung others:

  1. Agriculture. Increase of productivity and competitiveness of existing agricultural products;
  2. Tourism. Enhance of potential possibilities of etno-cultural ecotourism;
  3. Training of local population and capacity building of local agencies in order to improve the plans of economic development of rural areas.

Mr. Ablaliyev, Deputy chairman of the Committee for Roads MID RoK noted that «Currently the feasibility study is under the consideration of State Expertise», and in short, he stated the timeframe regarding receiving of State expertise conclusion, tender procedures under selection of Engineers and Contractors, and also he specified the approximate terms of Contract conclusion. Prelimenary project implementation terms are 2017-2020.  

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