Главная > Пресс-центр > News > For Kyzylorda section of the constructed Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” till the beginning of the current year 16 479 Kazakhstan people have been provided with working places, including 9 621 local people
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For Kyzylorda section of the constructed Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” till the beginning of the current year 16 479 Kazakhstan people have been provided with working places, including 9 621 local people

The number of the personnel, involved in the Project on the territory of Oblast accounts for 16 627 people, including 348 are foreigners or a little bit more than 2% of total number. These are Administrators and Financial staff, Supervisors, high-qualified Road Engineers.

References: The length of the section for reconstruction in Kyzylorda Oblast under the Project of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” accounts for 812 km. The project provides 245 km of the road for transferring into I B category with 4-lane traffic, other road sections with the length of 567 km are transferred into II technical category.

657 technicians-and-engineers, 209 surveyors and laboratory assistants, more than 1000 experts and machine operators work for Contractors JSC “Salini Costruttori S.p.A.”, JSC “Akkord – Okan” and JSC “Azerkorpu”. Engineer’s Service is represented by 131 Specialists of high qualification and with large experience.

Also about 600 people of maintenance personnel have been involved in the project, including medical staff, cooks, drivers and security officers, unskilled laborers, etc.

In addition, personnel with 11 222 people in number has been provided with working places, who perform Subcontractors jobbing, engaged in maintenance of machinery and supply of road-building materials, as well as provision with fuel and lubricant material.





«Важное значение имеет завершение строительства казахстанского участка международного автомобильного коридора «Западная Европа - Западный Китай». Это действительно народная стройка века».
«Мы ставили задачу развивать инфраструктуру. И это оказалось нам по силам. В настоящее время мы возрождаем Новый Шелковый путь. Мы открыли доступ к странам Персидского залива и Большого Востока. Мы распахнули восточные ворота, проложив путь на рынки Китая и всего Азиатского континента». «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050».
Послание Первого Президента РК - Елбасы, 2012 г.





«Исполнительной власти нужна полная, качественная программа «Нурлы Жол». Это стратегический проект, благодаря которой будет затронута вся транспортная инфраструктура».





Стратегия 2050





Проекты "ЗЕ-ЗК"
Проекты "Нурлы жол"
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