Главная > Пресс-центр > News > A new construction season has been open in Zhambyl Oblast. Construction of cement concrete pavement has been started in the beginning of March for some road sections
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A new construction season has been open in Zhambyl Oblast. Construction of cement concrete pavement has been started in the beginning of March for some road sections

Total length of the road sections intended in this region for building is 372 km, including 111.9 km of 4-lane cement concrete road, which entered the Defect Liability Period, i.e. 730 days since the day of handover of the object. These road sections will be under supervision of Engineer’s Service for two years. In case of revealing the defects the Contractor shall remedy it within the Defect Liability Period.

This year 4 road sections have been planned for taking-over with total length about 165 km.

As per status for the end of February of the current year overall 2009 people have been mobilized, including 135 people of foreign staff. Equipment to the end of 2012 has been mobilized in the quantity of 662 units with targeted 676 units.

Problems have been solved with borrow-pits. At present for all 3 sections of Tranche 1 the borrow-pits have been rehabilitated, renewed and accepted by Governmental Committee.

Meanwhile, there are serious backlogs for some positions of work schedule. Thus, there are outstanding works for road marking, cutting branches over the road, clearance and reinforcement of 4 culverts, arrangement of small exits near the market “Barys” (Kordai village), works for gas pipeline at km 218.

As the constructers consider the main task is the completion of works and handover of the objects within the time limit with observance of all nature protection, social-cultural and engineering standards considering the specified defects of the previous year.




«Важное значение имеет завершение строительства казахстанского участка международного автомобильного коридора «Западная Европа - Западный Китай». Это действительно народная стройка века».
«Мы ставили задачу развивать инфраструктуру. И это оказалось нам по силам. В настоящее время мы возрождаем Новый Шелковый путь. Мы открыли доступ к странам Персидского залива и Большого Востока. Мы распахнули восточные ворота, проложив путь на рынки Китая и всего Азиатского континента». «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050».
Послание Первого Президента РК - Елбасы, 2012 г.





«Исполнительной власти нужна полная, качественная программа «Нурлы Жол». Это стратегический проект, благодаря которой будет затронута вся транспортная инфраструктура».





Стратегия 2050





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Проекты "Нурлы жол"
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