Contractor "Euro-Asian Construction Corporation «EVRASCON» JSC is involved in implementation of the remaining section km 1702-1752 (length 49 km) in Kyzylorda region.
In general, earthworks, works under subbase, lower layer of the base course, binding course and wearing course are performed for 100%.
However, there are significant delays under following types of work:
- The top layer of crushed stone mastic asphalt concrete is constructed only on 14.4 km, ie, 29%;
- Culverts from the beginning of the year are performed in 3.2 pcs. (94%);
- Bridges are performed for 80%;
- Strengthening of shoulders, guardrails, road markings and sand depot are done 0%;
The reasons for delays are lack of funds, partial disorder of mobilized road-building machinery and equipment (crusher, ACP), partial lack of fuel, stabilizer for CSMA, unresolved issue of road-building materials from the former Contractor "Impresa" and absence of concluded contract for supply of geogrid, biomat, mineral powder, guardrails.
Machinery is mobilized in total 152 units out of the planned 101 units, it is required additionally 18 units.
All major road work is scheduled for completion by the end of this year and to open the main road for traffic but without shoulder protection and with speed limit to 60-70 km/hour. Works on road furniture is planned to complete in 2016.