The World Bank: World Bank Managing Director visited the South West Roads Project Site
Mrs. Ngozi Okondjo-Iveala, Managing Director of the World Bank, has visited the sites in Kyzylorda Oblast of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”.
MinTransCom: Senate ratified the agreement for loans for the Project “Western Europe-Western China”
Strict requirements have been claimed to the Contractors of the Project “Western Europe – Western China” for Kyzylorda Oblast
The works have been continued on acquisition and purchase of lands and real estate for the state needs in South-Kazakhstan Oblast
South-Korean company “Posco Engineering” has been indicated to serious omissions during mobilization works, with which backlogs in time schedules are connected.
In the current year building company “Copri/Seiser” plans to construct 15 km out of 24 km of the overall length of the road section in South-Kazakhstan Oblast.
Project implementation “Western Europe-Western China” in South-Kazakhstan Oblast has been discussed at the meeting in the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
More than 44 billion tenge will be invested to the construction of Zhambyl section of transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” in 2011.