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Question №130
November 28, 2011
Vuacheslav Poplavskiy | Taraz city

Old alignment “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast” passes practically throughout all the settlements. In accordance with the design, new alignment will pass all these settlements, and its construction will be carried out practically along the new route. Question: Where can I look at the new location of the road “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast”? Thank you!

Answer to question №130
November 28, 2011

- Highway А-2 “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast” km 593 – km 674 with the length of 81 km will pass through the territory of Tyulkubas and Sairam raions of South-Kazakhstan Oblast. It consists of two road sections and is designed for category I-b. It crosses highway “Badam – Zhaskeshu – Tyulkubass”, further it runs along southern suburbs of Beshata village, Kenaf village, crosses the highways “Michurino – Tastumsyk”, “T. Ryskulov – Tyulkubass”, “Akbiik – Zhabagly” and at km 601 crossses the existing highway А-2 . New road passes by the following settlements: Azattyk, Kyzylasker, Kizen, Akbiik, Shukyrbulak, raion center Ryskulov, Shakpak-Baba village, crosses the rivers Arys, Zhabagly, Kizen and is completed at the border of Zhambyl Oblast. You can look at the scheme of this road section on our website Section “About Project” (Map, slides, schemes).




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